More information on our Tio standing device

Purchase IPL / SHR device: Tio standing device for professional permanent hair removal

Choose the 3-in-1 TIO multifunction device for permanent hair removal and skin enhancement and secure long-term satisfied customers. This standing device has a unique technology combination, consisting of the proven IPL technology (Intense Pulsed Light), the innovative SHR technology (Super Hair Removal) and the supporting RF function (Radio Frequency). The application can be used regardless of skin and hair type, so you benefit from a huge target group! In addition, with this one device, you can carry out two different cosmetic applications, pampering your customers with permanent hair removal or effective skin rejuvenation. The TIO Plus standing unit is therefore perfect for the foundation of a new beauty salon or the extension of your offer in your facility!


innovative technology for permanent hair removal painless application by working with low energy works with continuous light pulses and gliding technique “in-motion” independent from hair and skin type


  • proven technique for permanent hair removal
  • ideal for cosmetic treatments and skin enhancement applications
  • works with individual light pulses
  • enables precise and effective work with different spot sizes


  • improves the effective range of light pulses and supports IPL and SHR
  • gently increases the working energy
  • tightens the skin through intensive deep heat
  • warms the hair root
  • works with a high frequency current of 1 MHz

Permanent hair removal with TIO Plus

Permanent hair removal with TIO Plis is fast, easy and effective. Prove to your customers that there is an alternative to stubble, dry skin and razor burns. With this IPL-SHR system, the hair is removed gently and permanently. Since flexible switching between IPL and SHR is possible even with just one handpiece, you can take advantage of both techniques.
Different spot sizes ensure the greatest possible ease of use both on large body parts and on very delicate body areas. Permanent hair removal with IPL is always precise, fast and long-lasting.

Possible treatment areas:
• upper lip | eyebrows
• armpits | arms
• legs | bottom

• belly | back
• private area | chest
• whole body hair removal women | men

Effective skin rejuvenation with TIO Plus

With TIO you win twice! In addition to permanent hair removal, this IPL-SHR system can also be used for skin rejuvenation. With the intense pulsed light, both benign skin lesions as well as persistent skin problems can finally be corrected – and that quite simply. Thanks to the helpful presets, you can easily apply the application parameters, making it easier to reduce skin problems and aging symptoms. You and your customers benefit from the double beauty advantage of the TIO standing device.

Possible treatment areas:
• Skin discoloration: couperose | spider veins | rosacea | broken capillaries
• Signs of aging: wrinkles | age spots | moles | freckles
• Blemishes: pimples | acne | blackheads
• Medical problems: scars | nail fungus


3 Technologies:


Best quality
Made in Germany


Largely independent of hair and skin type


Marketing and furnishing packages


Free training including certificate


Low impulse consumption and low additional costs


Simple operation and preset application parameters


Free starter pack


Maintenance, repairs and lamp replacements


2 year guarantee



High-energy light waves are radiated to the hair at the touch of a button. Through the pigment melanin contained in the hair, the light is guided along the hair shaft and converted into heat. This heat eventually leads to a desolation of the hair root and permanently prevents further hair from regrowing.


Concentrated light pulses are emitted on the body hair at the push of a button. The light does not get through to the root, only up to the hair shaft. Here it destroys the surrounding stem cells, which are responsible for the growth cycle. The production of further hair is thus permanently stopped.


Radiofrequency supports both IPL and SHR by warming the subcutaneous tissue, increasing light impulses and improving end-results.


With our hair removal device, you do not have to worry about complex adjustment options and complicated controls. We try to keep everything as simple and efficient as possible, so that operating the device is a breeze for you. That’s why we’ve developed our own intelligent software for our TIO, which can be controlled easily via a 15-inch LCD touch screen.
Matching parameters are already preset for all applications. All you have to do is select the application, click on the skin and hair type of your customer and you’re ready to go!
To give you the necessary security with your device, we also offer all our customers free basic and professional training. In addition, you will receive a detailed device briefing and information on our instructional videos. And should you still be uncertain, you can call us at any time – we are always happy to help you.

Use our range of IPL / SHR trainings to work even more efficiently and successfully with your IPL / SHR device.

Contact us today!
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